Madrid: +34 625 58 77 98 | Salamanca: +34 923 27 17 96


ARANZAZU ABOGADOS offers services excellence in management of inheritance and transmission assets.

Premortem efforts aimed at the future division of property by inheritance.

The ownership of the assets and rights transmitted by the death of the owner of the copyright holder.

Should be will the same as those goods or rights are transmitted in life, anticipating the death, we provide the best advice for such goods and rights are transferred legally through donations, purchases, incorporation of companies, foundations or associations, contracts of life or the like.

Writing Wills

We advise on inheritance matters for the execution of a will that faithfully reproduces the testator, and avoid complications to future heirs when access to goods or rights, including the appointment of partidores accountants or executors, that may lie with the Lawyers Aranzazu lawyers, in order that the testator be faithfully respected.

Wills can be complex if the testator out owners of property or rights in different countries or even different regional territories in Spain, which will try to solve by writing a will to provide for any legal problem of conflict between territorial or national laws .

Drafting family protocols in case of succession of family businesses.

Testamentary succession

Produced the death of a person who has been granted will, and knowing that fact the heirs, they can go to Aranzazu Abogados and we will apply for certificate of wills, authorized copy of the will, death certificate, birth and marriage necessary certificates insurance, bank balances and financial products, real estate simple notes, registration certificates of companies, etc..

A INHERITANCES SPECIAL POWER will be given in favor of the lawyers of this office, and from that point, you require not perform any steps, except to receive their property, or the value thereof.

Intestate succession

It may happen that record the death of a family member has and has not been granted will, in this case the legal succession, which implies respect for the order of succession legally prescribed opens.

Likewise, we will require INHERITANCE SPECIAL POWER, and collect all certificates of birth, marriage and death of potential heirs, and with them will make Act of Declaration of Heirs, to continue with procedures for inventorying the assets and distribute.

Mediation Heirs

To achieve that all receive their goods undiminished, without judicial conflicts.

Succession Trials

If after knowing the client of his status as heir, legal problems about the validity of the will, or acts carried out before the death of the testator emerge, this office will handle the legal proceedings for the declaration of nullity of such contracts.

For if the heirs can not find an agreement on the division of assets, the corresponding lawsuit for judicial division of inheritance will stand.

Similarly, to intestacy, the corresponding demands for contentious proceedings for the declaration of heirs will be presented: or notarization of holographic wills, or to request judicial authorization to accept inheritance disabled or minors, for example.

Heritages Transmissions

If you want to convey property or rights, granted SALES SPECIAL POWER OR PURCHASING SPECIAL POWER, so that will limit the performance of these professionals to ensure the success of the business.

We will advise and participate in the following practices:

1.- Buying and selling domestic and international property.

The customer will grant special power to sales for the lawyers of this office, which will allow us, following the manufacturer’s instructions at managing the sale of the property, negotiate the price, performing preparatory contracts (earnest money and pre-contracts), contract private sale, to raise public and delivery of keys, collect the money, pay the taxes and updating the Land Registry and cadastre.

If selling off rights, such as stocks, shares, loans, will intervene in the same way.

If you buy might claim, we take care of all the arrangements for the operation feasible and cost effective to our customer.

2.- Donations.

3.- Contracts on the heritage that holds an individual or companyContratos sobre el patrimonio que ostente un particular o empresa.

4.- Leases and real rights on real estate.

5.- Financial contracts on equity client.

6.- Incorporation of companies in Spain, permanent representations, branches, …

7.- Acquisition of companies or parts of it, and partnership contracts between companies.